Thursday, 21 November 2013

Funding Poverty

Often I think about the amount of money that governments and other funding agencies pour into poor communities to eradicate #poverty. The number are huge!

But why do we still have poverty despite all this #capital pouring in? I have always thought that it is strange that so much money can be poured into these initiatives - but it just looks like a  black hole that never gets filled.

We have not been doing this #sustainably and most importantly we have not been spending money the right way - the only way you can uproot people from poverty is through helping them change their #mindset from a negative to a positive one - and equipping people with skills to help themselves. Without the mindset change, the skills and the money will do very little for them -  no matter how much you pour in.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner, #Mohammed #Yunus is challenging us to get rid of poverty by 2030.

With concerted efforts - I know that this is possible! The question is - are we going to do it?

As Ebony Equity we are definitely ready to put our sickle in.

In his the key note speech that he delivered at the One Young World Summit in JHB, South Africa.

Professor Muhammad Yunus in his keynote said that a new goal for the international community should be to eradicate global poverty by 2030. He has described the present generation of young people as the most powerful generation in history because of their grip on communication and information technology.

"When Kofi Annan and the UN declared the Millennium Development Goals in 2 000 - people laughed and said they were crazy, they didn’t believe you can reduce poverty, but when Bangladesh announced it had achieved the number one goal to reduce poverty by half in 2013, you know it has been serious goal after all. This new was significant news because Bangladesh was labeled as a basket case at its birth," he said. - YUNUS CENTRE


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