Friday 3 October 2014

The Nobel Peace Summit in honour the late Nelson Mandela, has been cancelled

The Nobel Peace Summit scheduled to be held in South Africa to honour the legacy of our fellow laureate, the late Nelson Mandela, has been cancelled.

Laureate's from around the world boycotted the Summit due to South Africa's embarrassing actions on refusing the Dalai Lama's visa - once again.

Media reports had lies from officials that he had actually withdrawn the application before the process was completed.

I love South Africa but recent actions on may fronts have been embarrassing and have not been a true reflection of the people living in this wonderful country.

I stand with the laureate's who boycotted the Summit, I would have done the same. It would not have maintained what it stands for had it gone ahead without him.

We Salute, and Nelson Mandela salutes your stand from where he is today. While South Africa may have tarnished the event in his name by its actions, you have made his legacy shine brighter through yours - thank you.

Here is to true leadership!


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