Wednesday 11 December 2013

The South African Spirit - Thank you Madiba

This embodies the true spirit and beauty of #SouthAfrica.

This flash mob performance at a Woolies Grocery Store by the #SowetoGospelChoir captured the essence of why some of us remain committed to South Africa and her people.

We are capable of so much more. Each of us is capable of being that change we want to see in our world as #Gandhi, who inspired #NelsonMandela once said.

Nelson Mandela is the fruit of someone who searched and found their authentic self and stood immovable in his convictions. Bryce Courtenay, a South African author once stated, “I learned that in each of us here burns a flame of independence that must never be allowed to go out. That as long as it exists within us we cannot be destroyed.”

My hope is that many South Africans will find our authentic selves as we catch glimpses of it in moments like these and that we will stand immovable holding the flame of a united society.

My hope is we can show the world that we still are strong, refined people who will not stand passively aside when we can make a difference in our society.

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